Benq LCD TVs in India have recently launched a new range of LCD and High definition LCD TVs. BenQ SE2231 is a full HD (High Definition) LCD TV that doubles the picture detail quality from its primeval counterparts with the LCD screen (1366 x768) technology. It is capable to handle and output a pure 1080p 24Hz signal, with an original, film-quality picture performance. Further, the auto contrast Enhancement (ACE) can fine-tune contrast ratios by controlling the backlight level to increase sharpness and clearness. BenQ SE2231 features an HDMI (High Definition Multiple interface) that allows the uncompressed signals to be translated into the highest quality available. This 22 inch LCD TV's video features include 4 picture modes, de-interlacing, and noise reduction to deliver superior quality imaging experience.
BenQ MK2432 features exclusive Senseye technology, which enhances the color, clarity and contrast of video content and smoothes out quick images through motion optimization. The Auto Contrast Enhancement (ACE) further fine-tunes the contrast ratio by captivating the backlight level to increase sharpness and clearness. This technology enables higher contrast ratio even in the darkest of images. It sports a full-featured LCD monitor, which offers a resolution of around 1920x1080 pixels, and further you can also view documents while corresponding with your favorite movie. The 23.6 inch screen boasts an aspect ratio of 16:9, and embeds video features like 3D Comb Filter, 3D De- Interlacing, 3D Noise Reduction, and four picture nodes including Dynamic, Standard, Cinema, and Personal. Additional features associated with BenQ MK2432 includes steady sound, soft tilt, sleep timer, blue screen, and auto update.
BenQ VK3211 sports a 3000:1 contrast ratio that enables precision processing of bright and dark images to reveal exceptional detail definition. A dual HDMI further ensures hassle-free optimization, and effortless control by translating all compressed and uncompressed signals from standard to 1080p. BenQ VK3211 is manufactured through Eco-friendly engineering that reduces the power consumption up to 25%. Noise reduction along with an advanced video processing functionality further delivers a distortion free and exquisite imaging experience. BenQ SK3731 features a 37 inch large Full HD LCD screen with a resolution of 1920x1080. It embeds an ultra-fast 6.5ms GTG (gray-to-gray) response time, to effectively render fast moving images and video in a streamlined manner.
For more information on Benq LCD TVs in India,
Monday, April 5, 2010
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